Slip Sliding Our Way to March

Wow! It is starting to seem like winter will never end! It is hard to believe that March is right around the corner!

The fourth grade is hoping to wrap up all candy bar sales by February 28th! Please work had this weekend to sell off your remaining chocolate bars!

Here is a look at all of the learning we have done!

Math ~ We finished up our unit on Algebraic Expression.  We have started our new Unit on Measurement.  We began with learning the Metric System and units of measure for length, liquid volume and mass.  Today students completed a flip book to help them do conversions.  Next week we will be learning about elapsed time (always a difficult subject) and the U.S. Customary Units of Measure.

Writing ~ We have been spending some time looking at informational texts (non-fiction) and have discussed what the authors have done to make these books interesting.  Students have also written about two topics of their choosing that “they know ALL about”.  Students then chose one topic to write an informational book about.  We will spend one writing period doing some research to shore up our facts and then begin the process of writing our books.  We will be using the “Book Creator” app on our ipads for the final product.  Students will then be sharing their books with each other via ibooks.

Reading ~ Hic Sunt Dracones! This week we learned a little Latin while discussing The Lightning Thief. Ask your child if they remember this phrase.  We used it while discussing the metaphorical dragons that characters face inside of themselves.  We also discussed our own “dragons”.

Social Studies ~ We are wrapping up our Black History Month studies by creating a classroom “quilt”.  Each child has created a quilt square depicting significant moments and famous people from slavery to civil rights.

Our next unit is Economics! Look for a informational letter to come home on Monday describing our “Market Day” project.

Enjoy another cold winter weekend!


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