March 9

Happy March is Reading Month! Please remind your child to complete the March is Reading Month activities! Information on our Read-a-Thon also came home this week! Send in those donations and we will read, read, read!

Reading ~ This week in reading we have been talking about the Fantasy genre. We have talked about what a fantasy is (magic elements, talking animals, etc.) and we have has some specific lessons on reading fantasy. First, we learned that a fantasy reader has to quickly figure out what type of world the fantasy is set in. To do this it helps to look at the cover (what do you notice?) and to read the blurb on the back. We also learned that the first few chapters will begin to give us a lot of information on the setting. In The Lightning Thief  we learned that the setting is present day New York City and the United States, however there are elements of magic and greek gods and goddesses. We also learned that readers of fantasy have to pay attention to the parts where a character directly asks a question, or talks one on one to someone. In fantasy we need to be alert to this so that we can learn facts about the world and our main character as he or she learns them too.

Writing ~ In writing we have been working on putting our All About the American Revolution books together. This entails, writing final copy for each section, creating text features and then gluing our text and text features on to the pages creating a pleasing layout that is easy to read and not confusing.

Math ~ We completed Topic 10: Multiplying Fractions. The test results will go home today. Today, we also started Topic 11 reading line plots. I had several students who rushed through their homework today and did not read carefully. Some may be bringing home homework (paper) that they need to correct.

Social Studies ~ This week we learned about the Separation of Powers, the different roles of Federal, State and Local governments and the three branches of government, Executive, Legislative and Judicial. As well as how each serves a certain role in providing checks and balances so that one branch does not abuse its power.


Important Dates

Friday – Sunday, March 30 – April 8 – Spring Break (NO school Friday, March 30)

Tuesday, April 10 – No school.  Professional Development for teachers

April 24 – Link Up Concert.  Look for information about this trip coming from Mrs. Ireland soon.  There a few opportunities to chaperone for this trip

April 27 – “Dolphins” movie  Thanks to generous donations from Holmes families and friends, we will be taking the 4th grade classes to see this Earth Day movie at the Cinema Carousel. (We will not be taking chaperons to this event).

May 31 – Chicago – You received your final payment information at conferences

June 1 – Bocce Ball and Rocket Launch Day – Look for information to come home about this fun day to come from Mr. Robinson and Mr. Overway.  I know they always need parent help for this day!

June 5- a day at Camp Pendalouan with Jeffers 4th graders.  Plans are being finalized.  We will let you know more at a later date.

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